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Mini Book Reviews
Below are concise book reviews that I have written for some of the books that I have bought:

  • Title: Theories of the Universe
    Author: Gary F. Moring
    Number of Pages: 358
    Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.
    Date Published: 2002
    Review: This book is mainly about the history and origin of astrology and cosmology, astrophysical information about Einstein's theories of relativity, and theories related to cosmology. It is a good book for those that do not wish to delve deep into the theories, but instead want a light and simple approach to it without too much detail. The book is written in VERY simple diction, but its simplicity backfires when it does not go into enough detail and instead leaves the reader befuddled and confused. (It explains why it's called the Complete's Idiot's Guide) I recommend this book for those that want only to get a simple picture of astrophysics and cosmology and those that only want to lightly skim the major topics. However, for those that already understand much of the basics of astrophysics and cosmology, this book will be a bore and will not teach you anything new. The author also makes quite a few lame attempts at jokes. However, I believe he spends too much time on history, which he drones on about in the first 100 pages. It includes a very helpful glossary and index.

  • Title: College Physics, Ninth Edition
    Author: Frederick J. Bueche, Eugene Hecht
    Number of Pages: 437
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
    Date Published: 1997
    Review: This book is similar to an "outline" of information covering classical physics. It is similar to a math workbook and shows readers how to do a variety of different kinds of math problems in physics for each different topic. In each chapter, it gives a basic summary of what the chapter is about, and then it goes straight into showing how to do each problem and many sample problems for you to work out. It is to be used purely for practicing physics, and not necessarily for understanding it. It should be used as a supplement to a physics textbook.

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