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- LA Times (8.12.03)
- LA Times (8.13.03)

Welcome to the Astrophysics and Cosmology Research Center

"Humankind has grappled for millennia with the fundamental questions of the origin and end of the universe-- it was a focus of ancient religions and myths and of the inquiries of Aristotle, Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, and Newton. Today we are on the verge of discoveries that should soon reveal the deepest secrets of the universe."

-- Charles Seife, in Alpha and Omega

Welcome to my personal research center where I collect, digitalize, and store information about astrophysics and cosmology through news articles, textbooks, pictures, and more. I'm also planning to have specific pages up for specific topics, such as quasars or CMB (cosmic microwave background) radiation. Once every so often, I will have up a research document that I wrote based upon a specific topic for those who want in-depth information about it.

Here's what some of the links to the left mean:

Home: Self-explanatory.. click there to come back here to the main page.

Summary: This gives a basic summary of what astrophysics and cosmology is, and what some terms mean. Short and concise.

Outline: Using a textbook and scanning for the astrophysics chapter, I summarized the chapter in a semi-outline form, and it spans a little over ten Microsoft Word pages. This will give anybody a brief look into some of the major topics that astrophysicists and cosmologists discuss.

Questions: This section consists of questions that astrophysicists do not know the answer to yet... and many are just simply theories formed that do not have sufficient evidence. Good for research topics.

Photos: I have a large collection of photos of celestial bodies in space, and most I have obtained from NASA's high energy astrophysics research center.

Mini Book Reviews: Recently, I have bought many books relating to physics, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, universe, and more. I will start writing mini book reviews so if you would like to research more about certain topics, check out my review library and see which book fits you the best.

Majors and Careers: For those of you who are also deeply interested into astrophysics like me, there is a small number of colleges that offer it as a major. In here, I will include information about which colleges offer the major and more information about it in general.

Contact: Contact me here. Also very self-explanatory.

Wow I did A LOTTT today
Posted By: Julia
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2003

I almost finished the Majors and Careers section.. and I finished the mini book reviews.

First Update
Posted By: Julia
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003

Yay! Today I created this site to host my growing astrophysics collection.. so enjoy! Links don't work yet, however.

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